These ISO pumps are available in both electric motor and diesel engine-driven configurations, and feature inlets up to 250mm and discharges up to 200mm.
They deliver impressive flow rates and heads, with working pressures reaching 2550 kPag. Fixed speeds of 1450 RPM, 2900 RPM, and 980 RPM are available via electric motor, with additional speeds offered through belt drive and direct diesel drive.
Designed to handle a wide range of temperatures, our pumps are constructed from durable materials to ensure maximum longevity. A variety of mechanical seals with different cooling and flushing plans are also available to meet your specific needs.
Features Include:

- Flows up to 1000 m3/hr
- Heads up to 150 m
- Working pressures to 2550 kPag
- Fixed speeds in 1450 RPM, 2900 RPM & 980 RPM via electric motor and other speeds via belt drive and direct diesel drive
- Temperatures -210 to 2600C
- Materials in cast iron SG iron, 316 SS and other alloys if required